Scenario 1: you're a newb; seems like a good idea when shelling out for a bike; you don't know any different; within a year of riding more, everything has changed.
Scenario 2: you're experienced; looking for any performance/comfort improvement; you pay X so you believe philosophy X; within a year, your body has changed.
Scenario 3: the weather fluctuates, the amount of time you spend on a bike fluctuates, your body fluctuates, your fit fluctuates.
Scenario 4: free info everywhere; concentrate on form; listen to body; save money.
I'm not really into this bike fitting stuff.
Scenario 1: you're a newb; seems like a good idea when shelling out for a bike; you don't know any different; within a year of riding more, everything has changed.
Scenario 2: you're experienced; looking for any performance/comfort improvement; you pay X so you believe philosophy X; within a year, your body has changed.
Scenario 3: the weather fluctuates, the amount of time you spend on a bike fluctuates, your body fluctuates, your fit fluctuates.
Scenario 4: free info everywhere; concentrate on form; listen to body; save money.