I dread to think how long this thread would be if this was London.
a man on a black fixie on old street at 8am
a woman on a fixie at 8:07
another man on a fixe with a messenger bag, 8:19
a blonde girl on a green fixie went past my workplace at 8:45 but i wasn't looking at her bottom, honest
then i saw a chap in a chequered shirt on a grey fixie at about 9:10, riding up maryle....
10 pages worth of posting later...
it's now half past 7pm and i just saw another person on a fixie. i think that's the 1,074th person i saw riding fixed today. he was wearing a bobble hat and a leather shoulder bag. he looked so cool. i think i'm in love
I dread to think how long this thread would be if this was London.
10 pages worth of posting later...