• #52
i have been known to shout "oi, you fucking driver cunts, fuck, cunt, bloodpoo, arse" as i bomb around town
DJ, you can't be serious?
• #53
It's a northern thing (Yorkshire), despite living in the south for 9 years I hadn't realised that the word was out of common usage down here.
http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mardyThere is no finer combination of words to describe a miserable sod than, "Mardy Bugger".
Yeah I grew up (Leicestershire) saying 'Mardy' but when I moved South no-one had heard of the word...
• #54
Don't you lot ever have sex? Bikes are nice and everything, but sex wins. Sex FTW.
It's a close call between bikes and masturbation :/ Maybe we need a poll...
• #55
for will:
Rather than words comes the thought of high windows:
The sun-comprehending glass,
And beyond it, the deep blue air, that shows
Nothing, and is nowhere, and is endless....and fucking piss.
• #56
I'd rather be the recipient of a golden shower than sub-poetic wank.
• #57
I wish I could understand the sun the way that windows do.
• #58
Doggerel or dogging?
Doggy style - that's how I like my verse.
• #59
It's the manuscript version.
• #60
I love a good cycle a long Regent's Canal at night.
• #61
Rolling down Highgate Hill this morning after an hour of hill repeats watching the rising sun set London ablaze, good way to start the day...
• #62
Who cares what people scribble in their margins.
...and bloomin' wee-wee.
• #63
georgeous morning,cycled to cannizaro park got some photos of this wonderful autumn day
• #64
Cycling is a truely magical thing but not when you are riding a shit box to work everyday, a bike that grinds and moans just as much as you do.
• #65
How about 'Mardy b*as*tard' (< has to be said with a northern inflection), possibly somehow including the word 'shite' in close proximity.
Mardy shite... This I like... :]
• #66
I love a good cycle a long Regent's Canal at night.
Is this a euphemism?
• #67
Who cares what people scribble in their margins.
• #68
I get about as meditative as I will ever get surfing, snowboarding and cycling...but when some c#nt bursts that bubble of love, I get a little Ezekiel 25:1, although usually manifested by no worse than slapping a cab window or telling wayward peds the error of their ways.
But drafting at speed on the way home clears my head after an average day, my spirits brightened more when I see my girls.
• #69
i always loved biking, i used to go on wicked night rides with all my mates when on my bmx
i know cycle to school everyday with two mates ( one fixed, one SS) just one long road down to kingston and then wicked run from the top of kingston bridge through the completely deserted pedestrian are right down old london road.
fractured wrist+plaster= me reallllly bummed :(
but anyway fixed cycling is like nothing ive ever experienced, im properly loving it, lots of you guys helping me along the way making it a whole lot better
cheers :) -
• #70
I wish I could understand the sun the way that windows do.
Brilliant. I've thought for years that a window is as much a mirror as it is transparent; that if you look out a window and see beauty and love and vistas of hope or if you see squalor and filth and despair, it really says more about you than the view itself. And I think it's the same with the view over the bars, ennit?Here in the northern prairies of the You Ess of Ayyyyyyy, we didn't get much of an autumn; in the space of a week, the weather turned from sweltering turbidity to the dankest, coldest wettest October on record. Fortunately, I have nice Phillips mudguards on my old Raleigh Super Course SS, and was able to cycle through the drizzle in fairly good order. But like anyone else, I really treasured those days when the sun would come out and the maple leaves glimmered in that special light one only finds on the best of days, when the light penetrates into the world and shows you the true shape of things.
Winter doth approach, as it always does, and our National Weather Service has put out a long-term forecast warning of a long, cold, snowy season. I reckon that's going to have to be all right; there's nothing I can do about it, and (SSSHHHH!!! Big Secret Here!) I have long believed that if silence could be made manifest, it would look like falling snow framed in the streetlamps.
There is nothing, [i]nothing[/] in my life that gives me as much simple, present joy as simply riding the bike.
I can think of nothing else in my life that has
• #71
I have long believed that if silence could be made manifest, it would look like falling snow framed in the streetlamps.
like that
• #72
Jesus Christ.
• #73
How about 'Mardy b*as*tard' (< has to be said with a northern inflection), possibly somehow including the word 'shite' in close proximity.
Mardy fucker. FTW.
• #74
Chilled ride tonight.. but I was fucked and I did have a computer in my bag so I was trying to be careful.
Anyone got an msdn login and lic. key for x64 Win7? ta
• #75
i also had one of those moments this morning - and the rest of the day as it happens.
it was a good one.
All this sunshine is lovely but I'm stuck in the office until it gets dark, need to find a way to get out there when the sun is out!