Maybe more advanced filters or Statler and Waldorf becomes what is destined to be
Secret forums within forums? Never!
Well, perhaps.
I actually considered a invite only inner circle of "do-ers". Initial seed members based on time on site and # of posts... and then limited invites after that.
I try to live what I believe though, and I do believe in open and free societies. What I feel is the conflict of trying to create one within what is increasingly becoming a closed society around us... can you have open-ness within a closed society? Big questions.
Secret forums within forums? Never!
Well, perhaps.
I actually considered a invite only inner circle of "do-ers". Initial seed members based on time on site and # of posts... and then limited invites after that.
I try to live what I believe though, and I do believe in open and free societies. What I feel is the conflict of trying to create one within what is increasingly becoming a closed society around us... can you have open-ness within a closed society? Big questions.