With regards to the stated points, the crucial one is the first:
1) I seem to remember that when I goal reffed at Mitch, the advice I got was that goal height should be taken as the height of a large orange traffic cone. It seems to me that Rik applied the same logic. If you've got varying heights of cone or post, then a judgement call **has **to be made. Rik has done so, and that judgement call **must **be respected.
2) Challenge duly noted
3) Also duly noted, but the telling words are "final decision"
4) If you're worried about time, why not ask the ref to discuss the issue after the game? Admittedly, it's very easy to say this with the benefit of hindsight.
As was noted earlier in the thread, situations like this suggest the need for a pre-match briefing by the ref, involving all members of the teams, and any goal refs. If that comes out of this incident, I'd say that's progress.
I'm with Bill on this one.
With regards to the stated points, the crucial one is the first:
1) I seem to remember that when I goal reffed at Mitch, the advice I got was that goal height should be taken as the height of a large orange traffic cone. It seems to me that Rik applied the same logic. If you've got varying heights of cone or post, then a judgement call **has **to be made. Rik has done so, and that judgement call **must **be respected.
2) Challenge duly noted
3) Also duly noted, but the telling words are "final decision"
4) If you're worried about time, why not ask the ref to discuss the issue after the game? Admittedly, it's very easy to say this with the benefit of hindsight.
As was noted earlier in the thread, situations like this suggest the need for a pre-match briefing by the ref, involving all members of the teams, and any goal refs. If that comes out of this incident, I'd say that's progress.