Unless you've actually been assaulted by a group of 15 people you have no fucking idea how you will react. As skully points out it happened to me back in January. The friend I was with had already managed to get away and he froze up when he realised what was happening, something I don't blame him for in the slightest.
I elected to take flight as quickly as possible and it's probably the only reason I got away with all my posessions apart from the 6 shades of shit they'd kicked out of me.
The "D-Lock the cunt" mantra this site has developed is as misplaced as the belief of many that it's because the assailants are misguided. Wake the fuck up and realise some people are pure cold malicious. Until you've had someone stamping your head into the curb because they wanted to make their night more interesting, all whilst displaying a total lack of emotion, you have absolutely no way of knowing how you'll react.
Having had this happen to me when i was living in cambridge i must concur with Em, even if id had a lock to hand, my only thought was to get away as quickly as possible (especially difficult as they had a car as well, with which they tried to follow me once id broken free of the attackers that were on foot).
Having had this happen to me when i was living in cambridge i must concur with Em, even if id had a lock to hand, my only thought was to get away as quickly as possible (especially difficult as they had a car as well, with which they tried to follow me once id broken free of the attackers that were on foot).
PC vigilante's take note.