I thought Baroness Varsi was good, possibly the best panellist, until Dimbelby uncovered her own blatant homophobia which wasn't too far off the BNP's own position. I was a bit shocked frankly at her hasty wriggling on that one.
Straw started off well - really liked his opening gambit - but then came totally unstuck on immigration. He could and should have done better with that. It was pretty awesome though when he was all like "I am the JUSTICE MINISTER. You CAN answer that question." Made mw think how fucking cool it would be to be the justice minister. You could win any argument.
I liked the way Greer dealt with Griffin - with humour and humanity. It showed Griffin up nicely. She made good points about indigenousness and caught the KKK stuff too.
Huhne was bit of an also-ran but did okay. The lowpoint of it for me was when all the mainstream politicians started squabbling over their respective immigration policies. SURELY for ONCE you can put aside the partisanship and face a common enemy? No?
I thought Baroness Varsi was good, possibly the best panellist, until Dimbelby uncovered her own blatant homophobia which wasn't too far off the BNP's own position. I was a bit shocked frankly at her hasty wriggling on that one.
Straw started off well - really liked his opening gambit - but then came totally unstuck on immigration. He could and should have done better with that. It was pretty awesome though when he was all like "I am the JUSTICE MINISTER. You CAN answer that question." Made mw think how fucking cool it would be to be the justice minister. You could win any argument.
I liked the way Greer dealt with Griffin - with humour and humanity. It showed Griffin up nicely. She made good points about indigenousness and caught the KKK stuff too.
Huhne was bit of an also-ran but did okay. The lowpoint of it for me was when all the mainstream politicians started squabbling over their respective immigration policies. SURELY for ONCE you can put aside the partisanship and face a common enemy? No?