• Sorry if this is a repost. Real interesting stuff from thebikeshow Mayor's Q&A.

    2 things that jumped out at me:
    Whitechapel Road and Vallance Road junction
    Question No: 2698 / 2009
    Jenny Jones
    What urgent action are you taking to redesign the junction at Whitechapel Road and Vallance Road to make it safe for cyclists?
    Answer from the Mayor:
    Following an analysis of the collision history at this site, a scheme design has been prepared. The key feature of the design is the moving over of New Road to the east to improve the overall junction alignment. However this would involve the relocation of a large amount of statutory undertakers’ equipment and the cost estimate exceeds £1m. Consideration is therefore being given to alternative designs that can be delivered at lower cost whilst still delivering a safety benefit.
    Police inquiries into the recent tragic fatality are continuing but the current view is the design or physical condition of the junction was not a contributory factor. However discussions involving the police have identified some defects and work is in hand to address these.*

    In 2008/09 3,000 vehicles were stopped (all types including lightweight vans). Of these 1329 were ‘trucks’ over 7.5 tonnes.
    Proportion found to be driving illegally
    Offences were found in an average 80% of these vehicles. It should be noted that these are experienced officers adept at spotting defects and this is unlikely to be a representative percentage of offences in all commercial vehicles using*


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