• I've said all this before but....
    The vast majority of people we see in our diabetes clinic are obese not because of medication, leptin gene mutation, hormonal imbalance etc (despite these being regular claims for the cause of their weight). They are obese due to over eating. If you are a western european and obese then the cause is virtually always due to poor diet and a sedentary life style. There are the exceptions with rare mutations or brain injuries but they are grossly outnumber by over eaters/exercise deniers.

    And whilst it will never happen legislation such as this would legitimise the lack of responsibility and denial that many of these people display to avoid doing what would significantly improve their health and well being.

    A shift in the way our population eats, what it eats and more acceptance of self-responsibility are the only way to avoid suffering for a significant proportion of the population.

    I have spent the last 2 years working on the molecular biology of diabetes in relation to the in vivo environment and due to the futility of working with people unwilling to help themselves i am considering moving into a different field when my contract expires.


    I used to be a fat c**t, and I always kidded myself I was a bit "cuddly", but trust me 18 stone on my 5' 10" frame is fat as fat gets. I got that way by being forced into early retirement through injury and sitting on my ever expanding arse eating and drinking my sorrows away: I was depressed, and food and drink relieved that depression.
    Now I KNEW I was fat, I just refused to admit it. I still cycled a lot, I just ate for England.
    Then one day I had a bit of a road rage incident during which the car driver called me a "lard arsed, fat fucker" and a "fat c*nt". I was mortally wounded because I knew it was true. But it spured me into a change in lifestyle.
    Now 3 years later I am 14 stone and feel a whole lot better in a million ways.
    So my take on all this is simple: Call a fatty a fatty, it's only telling them the truth and it might just save their life.
