This is where I come in. Fuji Neopan is my favourite 400 ISO film. Its contrasty, but with noticable grain. I have never used a better film for capturing the skin texture of black people. The grain structure is tighter than HP5+. I think from prints of comparable subject matter, that HP5+ pushes further and has slightly better graduation. But I've used many 400 B+W films, and Neopan has been my favourite. Try it for portraiture in good sunlight, or overcast conditions, and you may never switch back. I won't, and can't.
This is where I come in. Fuji Neopan is my favourite 400 ISO film. Its contrasty, but with noticable grain. I have never used a better film for capturing the skin texture of black people. The grain structure is tighter than HP5+. I think from prints of comparable subject matter, that HP5+ pushes further and has slightly better graduation. But I've used many 400 B+W films, and Neopan has been my favourite. Try it for portraiture in good sunlight, or overcast conditions, and you may never switch back. I won't, and can't.