humans in general are a bunch of cunts, not just the English.
aggressive, ignorant parasites who would rather drown in the faeces of their own selfishness (and likely will) rather than change one tiny part of their personal prosaic for the good of the whole.
don't forget, it's a majority that voted for the new mayor, anyone else is a minority thinker and will be placed outside generalisation.
the swollen teat of humanity is no longer a bountiful provider, the hungry offspring of greed have sucked it to a thin, dry, old dug.
Then i guess we're alive at a pretty important time in history, huh? Should i feel honored? Humbled? Scared? Indifferent? Energized? Chosen? Lucky? Unlucky? Confused? Focused? Dismayed?
Then i guess we're alive at a pretty important time in history, huh? Should i feel honored? Humbled? Scared? Indifferent? Energized? Chosen? Lucky? Unlucky? Confused? Focused? Dismayed?