My Mum got it done a couple of months ago.
It cost her a little over 3k.
She had extremely bad sight,, short sighted, stigment eyes, which she couldn't see anything past a couple of ft from her face.
The surgery was a success, took a couple of minutes, with a couple of days of soreness, that's it.
But I must warn you though, she had to wear these goggles whilst she slept. My Stepdad lol'd and exclaimed "You look like the fly, from that movie"
I've -1.25-1.75 LEFT, ,1-75-2.00 RIGHT.
I considered for my 21st, but I thought I'd wait til I'm in my 30's or later, because I your eyes would only deteriate naturally.
If you're young like myself, maybe wait a little while.
Besides, having glasses can be a postive. I look godamn sexy in them. On the plus side, they can also help in interviews.
But if you're going out on a good drinkup, opt for contact lenses, my personal prerference.
I'm with you there Martin, I'm supposed to wear my glasses all the time - specially for lipreading, but want to wait until I'm another 10 years older before considering eye surgery.
I'm with you there Martin, I'm supposed to wear my glasses all the time - specially for lipreading, but want to wait until I'm another 10 years older before considering eye surgery.