Having a bit of a clear out of bits and pieces around I no Longer use / need.
uncut, 2 inch rise, 25.4 clamp size
fitted, ridden once. work much in the same was as powergrips, but thicker.
Comes with all bolts, although you'll have to buy longer for plastic pedals.
All recycled too which is nice!
Shimano Sora Brake—GONE
Rear brake no pads, good working order. extender to fit through fork.
San Marco Ponza—GONE
OK condition, ideal for a beater
Soyo Long Grips—£8
Minimal use
Thompson Elite—£30
C to C 110mm long, 24.5mm clamp
black, pretty much perfect – not a mark / scratch on it
5º rise, 199g. Comes with bag.
White Rubino Pro—£10
23CC, only used for a month or so
BLB Double Straps—GONE
white, used for a month but changed straps. still got loads of life left.
comes with inside doubler.
Plastic double clips Large—GONE
a months use, I've had another pair for months and they last super well even when smashed against curbs. Really snug and comfortable too.
Penfield weatherproof jacket Medium—£30
Accidently bought two of these, its a great jacket, light and warm, Black. really keeps the wind off. it has a slightly bibbed back too so stops a bit of water up your back.
BSA PRIMA F&F 58cm(with BB and crankset)—NOW £45
Red road frame, could be converted for a single speed / fixed. would make a good beater, was going to build it up but I dont need another bike. overall good condition, only cosmetic damage. Will measure later today to get correct size!
thats everything for now, if anyone wants any more pictures, let me know. oh and information.
I'm at SE1 Mon to Fri Day, E9 (Homerton) Evenings. Can meet east in the evenings and over the weekend.
Having a bit of a clear out of bits and pieces around I no Longer use / need.
uncut, 2 inch rise, 25.4 clamp size
fitted, ridden once. work much in the same was as powergrips, but thicker.
Comes with all bolts, although you'll have to buy longer for plastic pedals.
All recycled too which is nice!
Shimano Sora Brake—GONE
Rear brake no pads, good working order. extender to fit through fork.
San Marco Ponza—GONE
OK condition, ideal for a beater
Soyo Long Grips—£8
Minimal use
Thompson Elite—£30
C to C 110mm long, 24.5mm clamp
black, pretty much perfect – not a mark / scratch on it
5º rise, 199g. Comes with bag.
White Rubino Pro—£10
23CC, only used for a month or so
BLB Double Straps—GONE
white, used for a month but changed straps. still got loads of life left.
comes with inside doubler.
Plastic double clips Large—GONE
a months use, I've had another pair for months and they last super well even when smashed against curbs. Really snug and comfortable too.
Penfield weatherproof jacket Medium—£30
Accidently bought two of these, its a great jacket, light and warm, Black. really keeps the wind off. it has a slightly bibbed back too so stops a bit of water up your back.
BSA PRIMA F&F 58cm(with BB and crankset)—NOW £45
Red road frame, could be converted for a single speed / fixed. would make a good beater, was going to build it up but I dont need another bike. overall good condition, only cosmetic damage. Will measure later today to get correct size!
thats everything for now, if anyone wants any more pictures, let me know. oh and information.
I'm at SE1 Mon to Fri Day, E9 (Homerton) Evenings. Can meet east in the evenings and over the weekend.