• #2
Are you a courier up there? I used to work there about 4/5 years ago
• #3
Yeah, been working for a year. You'll no doubt know folk I know. Jim, Brian, Eva... You working in London now?
• #4
Working down here but not couriering anymore. Yeah I know Jim and Eva. Kerr was telling me about Eastcoastaloco was going to come up for it but by the time I found out the dates I couldn't make it.
• #5
Yeah, it was a good laugh. Think it will be back on the West Coast next year. Eva and some of the Glasgow lot took a trip out to Millport and got all nostalgic, the hotel staff were missing the couriers asking where we were and that. Some of the Glasgow lot got their photo taken with the wee lassy that knocked the pikey out, haha, if you know that story.
Anyway, good meeting you, maybe our paths will cross at some point in the future, Westcoastpoloco or otherwise. Take it easy man.
We are hosting a big race at the end of the month and inviting all you fixed gear fans along. If you can make the trip north we would be well chuffed. The race will help launch the Scottish Bike Messenger Association and get the ball rolling on raising funds for it. Prizes for race winner and best costume.