I tried getting a 23t white industries from 'Charliethebikemonger' on ebay and this is the message i got back..
"Hi there,
We've made either a listing or stock error, as no 23t freewheels, wouldn't usually be a problem but suppliers out of stock too! A few weeks wait apparently as White Ind. freewheel making machine in the States has broken and they have had to outsource?"
I tried getting a 23t white industries from 'Charliethebikemonger' on ebay and this is the message i got back..
"Hi there,
We've made either a listing or stock error, as no 23t freewheels, wouldn't usually be a problem but suppliers out of stock too! A few weeks wait apparently as White Ind. freewheel making machine in the States has broken and they have had to outsource?"