Josh... we have 2 players Myself and Axelander from France who will both be in Paris, we're hoping to pick up the slot of a team if there are any no-shows or injuries, but at the moment we have no team slot, also by the sound of things accomodation is thin on the ground in Paris, i think (my french isn't good) someone on was talking about finding some squats we could stay in, but i don't know if anyone's pursuing that at the moment...... Maybe you could ask on there about it....?
I'm in Manchester and i believe you're about at the weekend for Alleycats/Polo so we should have a chat then.....
so i have the transport planned out but i need a place to stay + maybe a team before i book it. the team is optional, i would go just to spectate too. any leads? + je suis canadien me je n'ai plus de doigts que le mots français
Josh... we have 2 players Myself and Axelander from France who will both be in Paris, we're hoping to pick up the slot of a team if there are any no-shows or injuries, but at the moment we have no team slot, also by the sound of things accomodation is thin on the ground in Paris, i think (my french isn't good) someone on was talking about finding some squats we could stay in, but i don't know if anyone's pursuing that at the moment...... Maybe you could ask on there about it....?
I'm in Manchester and i believe you're about at the weekend for Alleycats/Polo so we should have a chat then.....