I get you on the pimped nature of this bike, a standard bike might be less enthralling for a tea leaf, but then again, a new bike could be more tempting than a slightly older one. If I could imagine myself a scally with two bikes in my sights, one a slightly older one but maybe pimped (but what do I know, the Methodone my GP put me on only obfuscates such matters), the other all shiny and new, which am I going to go for?
@Greasy Slag: I've done a fair bit of research on ideal bikes for me, boiling it down to possibly three or four bikes, or maybe five, spending quite some time drifting around the woefully partisan threads here and visiting various web sites. It came down to a Plug, the SE Lager, maybe the Road Rat, and Surly's S/roller, maybe even the Langster. Each had it's manifest merits, unfortunately these merits didn't quite coincide into one bike (Pajamas, I hear you). OK, boil it: I need a non-fancy utilitarian bike for my weight, pocket and practical needs that rides nicely round our festering capital's tarmac. I think it's a Charge that'll do that best out of my options.
Now; as for "not being much of a bike person" well I'm mortally wounded sir. I've cycled since I was thirteen up in Yorkshire, when I moved to London I commuted to Poly' daily in the late 70's, and then got into the mud in the 80's. I've built four mountain bikes in the last two years, and I maintain them with a religious zeal. I ride with two clubs and at 52 am a lot faster up the hills than a reasonable proportion of the boys I ride with (but not the freakin' whippets). But it's OK, I'm not going to labour the point (any more). I admit a little while ago I don't know my arse from my elbow when it came to single speed bikes. But thanks to all you guys -esp. edscoble, muleboy, jimmy fingers and Pajamas, I'm a fully enlightened individual now.
So it's quite obvious I couldn't be arsed to do ANY research at all, I just relied on you chumps to serve it up on a plate for me. Think I've got nowt better to do than my own research? Sheesh...
best line I've seen in all the research I've not done? Jimmy Fingers: "...I just ride a bike"
I get you on the pimped nature of this bike, a standard bike might be less enthralling for a tea leaf, but then again, a new bike could be more tempting than a slightly older one. If I could imagine myself a scally with two bikes in my sights, one a slightly older one but maybe pimped (but what do I know, the Methodone my GP put me on only obfuscates such matters), the other all shiny and new, which am I going to go for?
@Velo libra: 62.6 is plenty.
@Greasy Slag: I've done a fair bit of research on ideal bikes for me, boiling it down to possibly three or four bikes, or maybe five, spending quite some time drifting around the woefully partisan threads here and visiting various web sites. It came down to a Plug, the SE Lager, maybe the Road Rat, and Surly's S/roller, maybe even the Langster. Each had it's manifest merits, unfortunately these merits didn't quite coincide into one bike (Pajamas, I hear you). OK, boil it: I need a non-fancy utilitarian bike for my weight, pocket and practical needs that rides nicely round our festering capital's tarmac. I think it's a Charge that'll do that best out of my options.
Now; as for "not being much of a bike person" well I'm mortally wounded sir. I've cycled since I was thirteen up in Yorkshire, when I moved to London I commuted to Poly' daily in the late 70's, and then got into the mud in the 80's. I've built four mountain bikes in the last two years, and I maintain them with a religious zeal. I ride with two clubs and at 52 am a lot faster up the hills than a reasonable proportion of the boys I ride with (but not the freakin' whippets). But it's OK, I'm not going to labour the point (any more). I admit a little while ago I don't know my arse from my elbow when it came to single speed bikes. But thanks to all you guys -esp. edscoble, muleboy, jimmy fingers and Pajamas, I'm a fully enlightened individual now.
So it's quite obvious I couldn't be arsed to do ANY research at all, I just relied on you chumps to serve it up on a plate for me. Think I've got nowt better to do than my own research? Sheesh...
best line I've seen in all the research I've not done? Jimmy Fingers: "...I just ride a bike"
Thanks everyone, it's been really helpful...
...now: Which Plug should I get?