yes, Moulton as they have on their stand a NEW (finished 2.30am last night or something) TSR2 which has a belt drive..
.. also a 953 Super Record Stainless Steel framed toy. The seatpost is uber light.. just try it.
If you're hungry, Torq and others are doing free samples of all of their energy/recovery things. Check Mule bars for the fairtrade organic certified stuff. (rather nice)
Check TFL, do the superhighway simulator - get your speed as high as possible :) but also note it's the current things made a bit wider painted blue..
check what they do at bus stops, and look for the bit where they cut the road narrowing to a wider section without showing what happens to the bike lane. Do tell TFL how happy/not happy you are.
Try out the Velib bikes, not as bad as you'd think - slick gear changes on the one I tried.
Brompton have an engineer building bikes on the stand (real bikes for real customers) - very interesting to watch. 2010 changes nice - the hub dynamo is a 'Son' and bloody nice. they have one that'll work on my Moulton.. loss of 1W @ 30Km/h when the light isn't turned on.
Lots more to see (fixed Airnimal Chameleon, wtf!) - if you get there early, get to the small stands you want to see - they're the ones that won't cope with the crowds. the larger stands have a lot of people.
There tomorrow + Sunday, I'll have the 531 Awesome Tshirt on, and a backpack with some weird dots on it ;) I actually have some meetings. gosh. :)
So, things you should see...
yes, Moulton as they have on their stand a NEW (finished 2.30am last night or something) TSR2 which has a belt drive..
.. also a 953 Super Record Stainless Steel framed toy. The seatpost is uber light.. just try it.
If you're hungry, Torq and others are doing free samples of all of their energy/recovery things. Check Mule bars for the fairtrade organic certified stuff. (rather nice)
Check TFL, do the superhighway simulator - get your speed as high as possible :) but also note it's the current things made a bit wider painted blue..
check what they do at bus stops, and look for the bit where they cut the road narrowing to a wider section without showing what happens to the bike lane. Do tell TFL how happy/not happy you are.
Try out the Velib bikes, not as bad as you'd think - slick gear changes on the one I tried.
Brompton have an engineer building bikes on the stand (real bikes for real customers) - very interesting to watch. 2010 changes nice - the hub dynamo is a 'Son' and bloody nice. they have one that'll work on my Moulton.. loss of 1W @ 30Km/h when the light isn't turned on.
Lots more to see (fixed Airnimal Chameleon, wtf!) - if you get there early, get to the small stands you want to see - they're the ones that won't cope with the crowds. the larger stands have a lot of people.
There tomorrow + Sunday, I'll have the 531 Awesome Tshirt on, and a backpack with some weird dots on it ;) I actually have some meetings. gosh. :)