Fear not, the names begin to make sense in time. Finca is farm, so it's the Vista Hermosa farm in Huehuetenango - a prized high altitude coffee region of Guatemala. SHB means Strictly Hard Bean, meaning it's been carefully selected so there's no rotters in there. Not sure about Michicoy, think it's a specific area of the farm and a microlot is a crop which has had specific attention paid to it, usually resulting in an exceptional harvest and a high auction price due to only usually between 10-50 bags [600 - 3000kg] being produced.
Not many palates can rival that of The Leighton, but rest assured if he's raving about it, it's good coffee.
Fear not, the names begin to make sense in time. Finca is farm, so it's the Vista Hermosa farm in Huehuetenango - a prized high altitude coffee region of Guatemala. SHB means Strictly Hard Bean, meaning it's been carefully selected so there's no rotters in there. Not sure about Michicoy, think it's a specific area of the farm and a microlot is a crop which has had specific attention paid to it, usually resulting in an exceptional harvest and a high auction price due to only usually between 10-50 bags [600 - 3000kg] being produced.
Not many palates can rival that of The Leighton, but rest assured if he's raving about it, it's good coffee.