OK!! Well after building I found that the Serial dongle to programe the thing was as slow as a two legged dog, so I ordered the USB dongle and after various battles with customs charges and royal fail, I got it on Tuesday and assembled it tonight.
The speed is a million times better with the USB dongle, it now takes approximately 15 seconds to load an image into one of the 4 banks, as opposed to 5-10 minutes!
Anyway - here's a video of it on my spare wheel - it seems to like big blocky pics - and you can animate it by putting a slightly different pic in each image bank, at the moment it's a static pic - but I'm working on the animated space invader.
OK!! Well after building I found that the Serial dongle to programe the thing was as slow as a two legged dog, so I ordered the USB dongle and after various battles with customs charges and royal fail, I got it on Tuesday and assembled it tonight.
The speed is a million times better with the USB dongle, it now takes approximately 15 seconds to load an image into one of the 4 banks, as opposed to 5-10 minutes!
Anyway - here's a video of it on my spare wheel - it seems to like big blocky pics - and you can animate it by putting a slightly different pic in each image bank, at the moment it's a static pic - but I'm working on the animated space invader.
Spok POV on Vimeo