Suck my balls mooks! I couldn't give a shite what you think
This Bella character is one big, tedious, 'me, me, me', self pitying, moany, whining bore! She/he get's on my tits! It's like watching Eastenders and Hollyoaks everytime he/she posts!
she doesn't post that often, you do. and more often than not it seems to be about her/duncan. FFS get over yourself. get a hobby/life/whatever. im sure your actually an ok guy, but im bored of reading your constant bitchy fucking bollox mate. im not the only one. grow the fuck up.
she doesn't post that often, you do. and more often than not it seems to be about her/duncan. FFS get over yourself. get a hobby/life/whatever. im sure your actually an ok guy, but im bored of reading your constant bitchy fucking bollox mate. im not the only one. grow the fuck up.