It's an odd one, I had it too today, the lass seemed to see me but stepped out anyway, she seemed surprised when we nearly collided.
I wonder if it's to do with us being faster riders than the norm? I mean typically, for a given stretch of road, my cruising speed seems to be about 50% faster than every other rider I come across, I imagine a lot here experience similar. Maybe the peds are just conditioned to most cyclists tootling round at a snail's pace?
Probably is partly true, but I often tend to toddle along at whatever pace gets me where I'm going with enough breath left to whistle a happy tune, and people still do this to me, so speed isn't always an excuse/explanation.
Probably is partly true, but I often tend to toddle along at whatever pace gets me where I'm going with enough breath left to whistle a happy tune, and people still do this to me, so speed isn't always an excuse/explanation.