• cyclestreets.net is the best journey planner for cycling currently out there. For a quiet route to Stratford station, you want to use the Greenway. There are lots of ways of getting there from Stepney and it emerges right onto the A118 Stratford High Street, not far from Stratford station. Even there are some cut-throughs via more local streets. The 'quietest' route that CycleStreets computes for you takes you over a footbridge to the station. Also be aware that there's currently a diversion in place at the western end of the Greenway.


    Personally, if I was at Stepney Green and wanted to avoid the A11/A118, I'd go along Globe Road, right into Roman Road, left into Bonner Street, right into Old Ford Road, all the way to the end where the cyclist/pedestrian bridge is, then down to the Greenway (as mentioned, owing to the diversion this is currently complicated; you have to go down Wick Lane, right into Monier Road, right into Dace Road, to the end of Dace Road, and across the lock bridge, then back up to the Greenway).

    Old Ford Road can attract speeding motor traffic, but as you'll be going against the peak you might not have that much motor traffic going your way.

    There's another dog leg in the Greenway where it crosses the railway lines, but that's been improved a bit and rides better now than it used to. After the Greenway, I'd just do the quick hop along the A118, as you only have to turn left at the station. It's a short distance.

    For coming back, be aware that there used to be personal safety issues along the Greenway, but with all the Olympic construction happening around it, that's no longer quite the same concern.

    There are other options if you go due east from Stepney, but I wouldn't recommend them at first. They're less direct and can be lonely at night. Once you become more familiar with the area, you should try varying your route a bit.

    Hope this helps!
