I was already definetly going to put sug 75's on it, and was acctually considering royce hubs, the problem with the drops is that i had some crieteriums and i just found them really uncomfortable.... perhaps i'm just to used to risers :)
also, i'm going to use it round town and i find brakeless with drops a bit wierd, brakeles with risers FTW in my opinion, but ye drops would look awesome on this roberts. Hmmm decisions...
If you wanna use risers just put some black Soyo/Champ/Strong V grips on them... job done.
I know exactly what you mean, but it's just a case of what you're used to. I ride brakless risers too, but don't listen to me, I'm a hipster.
If you wanna use risers just put some black Soyo/Champ/Strong V grips on them... job done.
I know exactly what you mean, but it's just a case of what you're used to. I ride brakless risers too, but don't listen to me, I'm a hipster.