I've only been riding fixed for a few weeks - took a long time to finally get a bike built.
So far just doing little bunny hops, skids and jumping down stairs but doing something new everytime I go out.
I love it everything is such a challenge having to think about everything so much more.
Where i might jump 12 steps on my dirt bike without thinking, 4 or 5 is damn tricky on a fixed.
Having watched a few videos it's obviously not about volume with fixed freestyle, but about mixing tech with awesome style.
edit just read through the whole post - what a douche! also - why does it matter? people wanna play on fixed bikes doing tricks let them get on with it? wanna look like you're doing it fixed but have a freewheel? do it!
I've only been riding fixed for a few weeks - took a long time to finally get a bike built.
So far just doing little bunny hops, skids and jumping down stairs but doing something new everytime I go out.
I love it everything is such a challenge having to think about everything so much more.
Where i might jump 12 steps on my dirt bike without thinking, 4 or 5 is damn tricky on a fixed.
Having watched a few videos it's obviously not about volume with fixed freestyle, but about mixing tech with awesome style.
edit just read through the whole post - what a douche! also - why does it matter? people wanna play on fixed bikes doing tricks let them get on with it? wanna look like you're doing it fixed but have a freewheel? do it!
whatever makes you happy!