• #2
report it to police mate
• #3
Yea have done
• #4
It's an Audi.
Date of Liability 01 11 2009
Date of First Registration 07 06 2003
Year of Manufacture 2003
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 2393CC
CO2 Emissions 229g/Km
Fuel Type Petrol
Export Marker Not Applicable
Vehicle Status Licence Not Due
Vehicle Colour BLACK
Vehicle Type Approval M1 -
• #5
• #6
And keep following it up!
• #7
look out for a black bmw/audi reg number EF03 LCP. If you see this vehicle please let the police know asap, I have obviously reported it
report it to police mate
Sounds like he has.
• #8
Glad you're ok. Know how it feels - some cunt attacked me in a similar fashion a few years ago.
Riding along, minding my own business, when a car slides up next to me. I knew something was wrong by how close it was and the speed was matching mine. Next thing I know, a guy hanging out the rear window kidney punches me! They floored it, laughing, and I gave chase, but I saw them shoot up a side road. Turned into it, but they were waiting for me - four of them. That's right - I fled.
A woman who saw the whole thing followed me home and told me she'd called the fuzz, and said I should do the same . We gave them number plate, make and model of car and occupants description. Result? Not a fucking sausage... -
• #9
yea thats what i expects gonna happen, there were no proper witnesses and all other drivers behind just drove on (!)
Thanks for the info guys never knew you could check reg like that! -
• #10
Had this happen to me on turners hill, passenger leant out and gave me a shove, but I failed get the reg plate. Report until the police do something about it.
• #11
i will certainly be chasing it up, there are enough things to think about on the road without having to worry about cunts like that!
• #12
You can get his address for a (very) small fee- there is a form that you can get from the DVLA.
All that is needed is "reasonable cause", the copper who told me about it said that this would include the following- Dear dvla, the following car has been parked in front of my drive/parking space/whatever and I need to contact the owner.
This is just for your info of course.
• #13
I wouldn't advise going there in the dead of night, slashing the tyres and smashing the windows, in case you were thinking of doing that.
No, I'd advise that writing the word 'CUNT' in brake fluid on his boot bonnet, doors and roof is entirely up to you.
• #14
I will be doing no such thing! you guys are so naughty! gawd! ;)
Thanks again for the excellent info. -
• #15
You can get his address for a (very) small fee- there is a form that you can get from the DVLA.
All that is needed is "reasonable cause", the copper who told me about it said that this would include the following- Dear dvla, the following car has been parked in front of my drive/parking space/whatever and I need to contact the owner.
This is just for your info of course.
What form do you have to ask for?
• #16
ps they may get suspicious if there is more than one request for EF03 LCP
• #17
As soon as i know il let u know mate.
• #18
Dont think il be doing anything, its bloody tempting though..
• #19
I would be strongly against damaging any property, but a sticker covering the right hand side of the windscreen pointing out to the chap his genital shortcomings might prove entertaining in a juvenile way.
• #20
Fuck it. Rape the cunt over the boot of his car with a cattle prod.
Ah. The sweet hysteria of fantasised vengeance.
• #21
The way I see it, slashing his tyres and smashing his windows would be criminal damage, whereas writing the word "CUNT" several times on his car in brake fluid would just be expressing your personal opinion.
Mind you, I haven't got any legal training.
• #22
you've got more chance of getting attacked by a shark than the police doing anything to help! come on, give them some credit...
A great trick is to puncture several holes in his radiator with a small screwdriver (through the gaps in the bumper)
This can happen from stonechips - and radiators aren't cheap!
• #23
The way I see it, slashing his tyres and smashing his windows would be criminal damage, whereas writing the word "CUNT" several times on his car in brake fluid would just be expressing your personal opinion.
Mind you, I haven't got any legal training.
Do nothing that could be construed as damaging.
Sticking something to his car windscreen cannot possibly be construed as damaging- witness parking wardens sticking tickets to windscreens all over the country day after day.
This would be non-destructive, therefore not leaving you open to any claim for criminal damage etc, and also if you used a suitably sticky glue for the sticker (maybe a sheet of Vinyl with you opinion spelt out on it?) it would seriously put a crimp in the owners day when it came time to jump in the car and offski.
Certainly if it happened more than once...
• #24
Or, politely put a note under his windscreen wiper stating:
"I know who you are, and where you live. If you ever do anything to a cyclist again, i'll ..." -
• #25
Drake v DPP [1994], Lloyd v DPP [1992]. Stickers on windscreens might be considered criminal damage under the 1971 Act.
Much safer to use the cattle prod.
Interesting- in what way would a sticker be judged to be criminal damage?
Forgive me for not being able to leaf through the case history that you reference- otherswise I would UTFS of course.
I would think that criminal damage would have to have a lasting effect upon the item considered to have been damaged- a sticker may be peeled off.
Had a seriously disturbing experience this morning on the way to university, had just got to the top of Kingston Hill, in the cycle lane and minding my own business when a black bmw/audi pulled along side me, cutting in front of me and causing me to swerve.
The passenger then attempted to grab me, just like the incidents i read about in Tooting a few months ago. Fortunately the guy couldnt get a hold of me and they sped off waving goodbye and laughing as they went.
As you can expect this really shocked me; i cant believe people will try and attack cyclists completely unprovoked seemingly just for a laugh! Anyone cycling in this area look out for a black bmw/audi reg number EF03 LCP. If you see this vehicle please let the police know asap, I have obviously reported it and really hope no-one else has to go through such a dangerous experience on the road!
Ride safe out there.