To the extent to which moral/ethical action is required to improve the way in which we live, guilt or other negative emotions have little place. People don't act on negatives unless they have to. Instead, it should be stressed how positive a lot of the things are that can be done. For instance, it is a realistic ambition to achieve modal shift in the way people travel about towns and cities from the private motor car to the pedal cycle and other modes. I have truthfully not given a single thought to whether my bike use is environmentally friendly for about fifteen years. I just love it. It's fun and far more positive and right than driving a car around everywhere. Create the right motivations and people will follow; put up dire warnings and people will only become defensive from guilt and fear.
To the extent to which moral/ethical action is required to improve the way in which we live, guilt or other negative emotions have little place. People don't act on negatives unless they have to. Instead, it should be stressed how positive a lot of the things are that can be done. For instance, it is a realistic ambition to achieve modal shift in the way people travel about towns and cities from the private motor car to the pedal cycle and other modes. I have truthfully not given a single thought to whether my bike use is environmentally friendly for about fifteen years. I just love it. It's fun and far more positive and right than driving a car around everywhere. Create the right motivations and people will follow; put up dire warnings and people will only become defensive from guilt and fear.