generalisation work because when we see a specific transport doing silly thing a couple of time in a row putting our mindset in thinking that people who ride those specific transport are cuntflaps, and therefore always noticing the bad one while ignoring the good one, thus strengthening your original generalisation toward them.
and the more you think about that, the more you think that generalisation is a reasonably subject to think about.
don't generalised, it take the fun out of riding your bike.
Another silly generalisation.
generalisation work because when we see a specific transport doing silly thing a couple of time in a row putting our mindset in thinking that people who ride those specific transport are cuntflaps, and therefore always noticing the bad one while ignoring the good one, thus strengthening your original generalisation toward them.
and the more you think about that, the more you think that generalisation is a reasonably subject to think about.
don't generalised, it take the fun out of riding your bike.