( with ref to medical school) They are definately not floodlit - which is the main thing (that wasnt an issue so much when i posted about that) -
There are basketball and tennis courts in bournville park - i'll try to check them out, there is a possibility that something may be lit around there - also a nicer area.
(ref the Yoots )Perhaps definately worth letting them know its only one night a week - and trying to reason, They weren't that unreasonable - they are just a bunch of kids with nowhere else to go and play football when its dark, sure they weren't the most polite about it - but most people aren't.
was a good evening anyway, would love to try and get better Quick - but its not exactly something you can practice very well on your own without looking like a nutter!
( with ref to medical school) They are definately not floodlit - which is the main thing (that wasnt an issue so much when i posted about that) -
There are basketball and tennis courts in bournville park - i'll try to check them out, there is a possibility that something may be lit around there - also a nicer area.
(ref the Yoots )Perhaps definately worth letting them know its only one night a week - and trying to reason, They weren't that unreasonable - they are just a bunch of kids with nowhere else to go and play football when its dark, sure they weren't the most polite about it - but most people aren't.
was a good evening anyway, would love to try and get better Quick - but its not exactly something you can practice very well on your own without looking like a nutter!