• #2
sounds interesting. not heard of this before.
bit short notice for me though as i have loads of work to get out the door. -
• #3
i have loads of work to get out the door.
• #4
no. i just wish i had a faster ftp upload speed.
• #5
you'd like a fatter pipe, eh?
• #6
positively corpulent
• #7
fuck, only saw this now but would have come. "Media/Tech/Creative sector"includes vfx i guess. will try make the next one.
• #8
I'd be up for the next one most likely :)
• #9
I'd be up for the next one most likely :)
I'll be up for the next one.
Hey guys and gals,
Don't know how relevant this is to everyone, but I'm sure some of you, like me work in Soho in the Media/Tech/Creative sector and know about a monthly networking event called OpenSoho. Well it's at my office tonight and it would be nice to see some nice people here. £5 covers drinks and snacks. Some bikes can go out the back, under the fire escape stairs...
come down from 6:30
it's here:
HubCulture Pavilion
1st floor kingly court
49 Carnaby st
London W1F 9PY
the buzzer is HCP it's in the walkway into kingly court off Carnaby street next to the Ben Sherman store.