i had never bumped on those threads, but i cant avoid thinking how bad it can be to anyone involved. i deeply feel your loss and wish anything similar would have happened, ever.
i always tell my wife to ride safely, and no matter how many times i say the same thing to her, i always feel a deep shake in my chest when i think of her in london streets. the main thing is: please please please people, ride safely. pay triple attention to what is around you, dont ever try to cross busy or not roads, look out for anything coming in front, back, sides or above, always. dont let this happen to you. i have seen so many riders jumping lights unsafely in major intersections, people crossing lanes wihtout even bothering to look if there's another cyclist or a car overtaking them, people getting in between buses and lorries just to skip thru unreasonably. please people, remember that if things go wrong there's no turn back, choices are slim in dangerous situations and we dont have to try our luck. please be careful, dont jump lights, dont ride recklessly, dont text messages while cycling, be aware of what is around you, dont ever try to jump in front of the cars if it's nearly unsafe. wait in the middle of the lane, they gonna honk at you, but that's about it. it's better than risking your life. be safe, wear hi-vis vests, helmet and lights. anyone is going to run you over on purpose, keep to where they can see you.
my thoughts are with the families and i totally support the pettition.
i had never bumped on those threads, but i cant avoid thinking how bad it can be to anyone involved. i deeply feel your loss and wish anything similar would have happened, ever.
i always tell my wife to ride safely, and no matter how many times i say the same thing to her, i always feel a deep shake in my chest when i think of her in london streets. the main thing is: please please please people, ride safely. pay triple attention to what is around you, dont ever try to cross busy or not roads, look out for anything coming in front, back, sides or above, always. dont let this happen to you. i have seen so many riders jumping lights unsafely in major intersections, people crossing lanes wihtout even bothering to look if there's another cyclist or a car overtaking them, people getting in between buses and lorries just to skip thru unreasonably. please people, remember that if things go wrong there's no turn back, choices are slim in dangerous situations and we dont have to try our luck. please be careful, dont jump lights, dont ride recklessly, dont text messages while cycling, be aware of what is around you, dont ever try to jump in front of the cars if it's nearly unsafe. wait in the middle of the lane, they gonna honk at you, but that's about it. it's better than risking your life. be safe, wear hi-vis vests, helmet and lights. anyone is going to run you over on purpose, keep to where they can see you.
my thoughts are with the families and i totally support the pettition.