So, I'll be touring sometime during the middle of 2010.
Cycle = Electricity = Power
I noticed that the fella, James Bowthorpe (Congrats to him for his recent achievement) had a little DIY charger going on, I think he mentioned that it was in the Hub, and a cable run from it to a big nice DIY battery, with all sorts of ports.
The only thing I have found is chargers that keep your bike light lit up the more you cycle, but some people have rewired these things to create them.
Does anyone have any experience with anything like this? I'd like to construct one similar, but not as big. Enough to charge things I need overnight/day, Camera Battery/Phone and maybe some other bits.
So, I'll be touring sometime during the middle of 2010.
Cycle = Electricity = Power
I noticed that the fella, James Bowthorpe (Congrats to him for his recent achievement) had a little DIY charger going on, I think he mentioned that it was in the Hub, and a cable run from it to a big nice DIY battery, with all sorts of ports.
The only thing I have found is chargers that keep your bike light lit up the more you cycle, but some people have rewired these things to create them.
Does anyone have any experience with anything like this? I'd like to construct one similar, but not as big. Enough to charge things I need overnight/day, Camera Battery/Phone and maybe some other bits.