So if a driver is using the road safely and legally and a cyclist jumps a red light and collides with him the driver should be blamed?
Yes, but you have to know that these incidents are very rare.
In 2008 there were 750 fatal traffic incidents in the Netherlands (population of around 16 million I think). 181 (still too many) of these were cyclists. Fatal accidents per capita in the EU are the second lowest in the Netherlands with the UK in third. The average Dutch person makes 5 journeys a week by bike.
Yes, but you have to know that these incidents are very rare.
In 2008 there were 750 fatal traffic incidents in the Netherlands (population of around 16 million I think). 181 (still too many) of these were cyclists. Fatal accidents per capita in the EU are the second lowest in the Netherlands with the UK in third. The average Dutch person makes 5 journeys a week by bike.