Dredging this thread because I've been playing with my Knog NERD a bit recently and a bit obsessed with speed and stats at the moment.
Need to send it back for a replacement because my backlight has never worked, but it's really good - the wireless doesn't seem to be affected by any interference and I'm sure I'm getting pretty accurate figures - calibrated properly using the chalk + tape measure method and cross referenced with Sheldon's calibration table.
Max so far is 33.6mph coming down York Way (on my commute). The sets of lights further up mean you need a clear run and no traffic in the way to get over 32. Managed 32.4 going down Camden Road yesterday when some nodder tried to race me :)
Running 48/17 (74") - hoping I can go faster to be honest.
Dredging this thread because I've been playing with my Knog NERD a bit recently and a bit obsessed with speed and stats at the moment.
Need to send it back for a replacement because my backlight has never worked, but it's really good - the wireless doesn't seem to be affected by any interference and I'm sure I'm getting pretty accurate figures - calibrated properly using the chalk + tape measure method and cross referenced with Sheldon's calibration table.
Max so far is 33.6mph coming down York Way (on my commute). The sets of lights further up mean you need a clear run and no traffic in the way to get over 32. Managed 32.4 going down Camden Road yesterday when some nodder tried to race me :)
Running 48/17 (74") - hoping I can go faster to be honest.