• i see from lushes post the solution 'fresnal lenses' will help....i'm spetical and sounds like bit of a media stunt to me. at a couple of quid each it is not really a intregrated apporach to solving the problem. also research in denmark (serious about this problem) showed that a good % of accidents were asscioated with driver being unaware over being unable to see. potentially, it could be argued that these are good 'media spin' items which are cheap. and more serious solution would be http://www.see-mi.dk/ or similar. are not we arguing that the solutions proposed by DfT / TfL...etc are not good enough as the problem is growing?? therefore they need to dedicate more resources - and the message it 'what you're doing is not good enough so try harder...cyclists are still being killed'

    Fresnel lenses aren't bad as a quick fix but of course more is needed. There is an EU standard for mirrors which a lot of sustained campaigning by the HGV group (chaired by LCC and involving RoadPeace, CTC, Living Streets) has helped become law, although it was watered down in the UK not to apply to lorries registered pre-2000. All aimed at both prevention and, in the less likely event of a collision, aimed at assisting in clearly establishing fault.
