see-mi was just an example of a simlar solution to fresnal lenses that goes further if you put more resources to it. i see problems in the system as well but fresnal lenses are no where near as good. my point is that (i think) we are campaining for more resources to be dedicated to solving the problem...
i agree with seak's point - we need to come away with a clear message. then push on it.
We want to come out of the meeting having mapped all the issues, ranked them in priority, ranked them in ease of success/implementation (ie we do easy wins first but get started on the hard slogs), ranked them in short, medium or long term action.
This will be our road map forward for sustained and long term relentless action. We will have a clear set of working groups with highly skilled and motivated people signed up, and clear tasks for each working group.
And a means to monitor progress and feed back.
I think we can achieve so much. Honestly.
We cant solve any issues in this meeting, just ID the problems and set people off to work out the best action. Eg, I dont know if we want shared road space or separate kerbed cycle lanes. There are arguments for both. But it needs research, case studies, facts, stats, and then a conclusion drawn on all that. Working group would include transport planners, safety people, etc etc. Lets not all argue all the issues, lets get the best people for each job.
We will put together what we think this should look like before the meeting as comprehesnively and accurately as possible, and then that can be our discussion document.
We want to come out of the meeting having mapped all the issues, ranked them in priority, ranked them in ease of success/implementation (ie we do easy wins first but get started on the hard slogs), ranked them in short, medium or long term action.
This will be our road map forward for sustained and long term relentless action. We will have a clear set of working groups with highly skilled and motivated people signed up, and clear tasks for each working group.
And a means to monitor progress and feed back.
I think we can achieve so much. Honestly.
We cant solve any issues in this meeting, just ID the problems and set people off to work out the best action. Eg, I dont know if we want shared road space or separate kerbed cycle lanes. There are arguments for both. But it needs research, case studies, facts, stats, and then a conclusion drawn on all that. Working group would include transport planners, safety people, etc etc. Lets not all argue all the issues, lets get the best people for each job.
We will put together what we think this should look like before the meeting as comprehesnively and accurately as possible, and then that can be our discussion document.