I work for VOSA who are an executive agency of the DfT responsible for the enforcement of vehicle road safety both in the mechanical sense and also drivers. One of our activities is carrying out accident investigations where a HGV is involved looking at the roadworthiness of the vehicle prior to the incident. Unfortunately I'm not available for next weeks meeting but if you need any information to do with HGV road safety standards and also driver responsibility please pm me and I'll get you everything I can.
Drivers blind spots have been a hot topic of late within the DfT up to the point where we were handing out fresnel lenses to foreign left hand drive HGV's at major ports in order to reduce the incidents of sideswiping by these vehicles on the roads. For UK HGV's, the legislation regarding wide angle and close proximity mirrors changed this year so that the drivers view of the immediate area around the cab had to be increased by the fitment of extra mirrors in some cases. If the cause of most of these incidents, partially or wholly, lies with the vehicle construction then the DfT are the people to lobby.
Sorry this was a long one, I just wanted to get some info across as I'm nowhere near a puter or the interweb next week.
Such a shame you can't be there. Could we meet with you some other time afterwards?
Such a shame you can't be there. Could we meet with you some other time afterwards?