Hmm, I've got the same problem as Ed with my Sugino 75 ring, but I can't fit it on my track ends either. Might try it with the hub further back in the stays.
With regards to those whose chainrings are thicker, like Fox's, or need to cover the width of a double or triple chainring set-up, these below may help. I'm posting them in Clefty's thread, as it may well become a gathering point for those looking for disc alarm locks. Hope you don't mind Clefty. The locks range from £16-£60.
Of these, only the LA-01 can be cut easily. The others won't be. Though the Xena XBL2-35 on has a 14mm bar, the construction, and depending on HOW you fit it, will ensure security. The others simply won't be cut off you bike, because the alarm would sound before it has been cut off anyway. I think the Oxford Boss may be the strongest of this lot.
As for HOW to use these, I'd recommend locking around the chainring(s), and including the chain. That simple deterent, means one more thing that the thief would have to cut through. They'd more be inclined then to move on to easier pickings. The Xena XPL46 offers the opportunity also to lock the chainring to a slim-tubed steel bike, if clearances are close enough. One look at this, and a thief would not even bother. I doubt it would get round fat downtubes though, as on my Capo 5.
EDIT: Removed the Oxford Nemesis, as it is not alarmed after all, and added the SG Locks "Heavy Duty" instead. Brought to my attention by flickwg.
With regards to those whose chainrings are thicker, like Fox's, or need to cover the width of a double or triple chainring set-up, these below may help. I'm posting them in Clefty's thread, as it may well become a gathering point for those looking for disc alarm locks. Hope you don't mind Clefty. The locks range from £16-£60.
LA-01 Alarmed Padlock £16.99
Oxford Boss Alarm £59.00
SG Heavy Duty £16.99
Xena XBL2-35 £59.40
Xena XPL46 £45.00
Of these, only the LA-01 can be cut easily. The others won't be. Though the Xena XBL2-35 on has a 14mm bar, the construction, and depending on HOW you fit it, will ensure security. The others simply won't be cut off you bike, because the alarm would sound before it has been cut off anyway. I think the Oxford Boss may be the strongest of this lot.
As for HOW to use these, I'd recommend locking around the chainring(s), and including the chain. That simple deterent, means one more thing that the thief would have to cut through. They'd more be inclined then to move on to easier pickings. The Xena XPL46 offers the opportunity also to lock the chainring to a slim-tubed steel bike, if clearances are close enough. One look at this, and a thief would not even bother. I doubt it would get round fat downtubes though, as on my Capo 5.
EDIT: Removed the Oxford Nemesis, as it is not alarmed after all, and added the SG Locks "Heavy Duty" instead. Brought to my attention by flickwg.
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