• #52
- moog - s
- Biancha - M
- Chukker Norris -m
- Chukker Norris - m
- Chan - M
- Bill - m X 2
- Louis - Small female (my girlfriend is always wearing mine)
- aufbruch - s
- Mrlemon - s
- Jo - small ladies only, none if men's sizes
- Ali ladies - m
- Cameron - xl
- MAX - 4 small 1medium 1 XL
- dt - medium
15 oli- medium
Top Down
- Biancha
- Eingang
- moog - s
- braley
- Chukker Norris - m
- Chukker Norris - m
- Chan - M
- Wiganwill - m
- Bill - M x 2
- Louis - L
- Mrlemon - s
- sol - girls M, if not possible then boys S
- gabes - XL x 2, M x
- Ali ladies m
- Jo ladies s
16 oli-medium
- moog - s
• #53
Hey there,
I'd love to order 1 Small of each, I'm in Australia. I know it'd be an extra hassle for someone to deal with but I'm happy to pay extra.
so, if these reach levels to justify another run are we gonna do them in different colours?