Hmmm. Maybe there is some merit in that, getting a proper fitting somewhere and having the post cut. Googling now. Any recommendations for a good fitting place?
I think i've probably stopped growing... hmmm.
@ Tom. Cheers for asking mate. Am doing okay, was only cut and bruised a bit. All healing nicely i think... Poor Conor was behind me when i went down and has a broken collarbone, elbow and thumb... so i came off pretty well really with just some track rash.
Hmmm. Maybe there is some merit in that, getting a proper fitting somewhere and having the post cut. Googling now. Any recommendations for a good fitting place?
I think i've probably stopped growing... hmmm.
@ Tom. Cheers for asking mate. Am doing okay, was only cut and bruised a bit. All healing nicely i think... Poor Conor was behind me when i went down and has a broken collarbone, elbow and thumb... so i came off pretty well really with just some track rash.