...as its his birthay. Many happy returns you cretin! So I'll be masterminding a hip hop, funk, disco party.
Hip hop business from... Ty, Rodney P, Skeme, Vecks, Cool Kids
Funk and disco cuts from... Ripple, Firstr Choice, Ohio Players, Bamboos
And some Rufus Thomas, Ray Charles and Dan Penn
'the stickiest of icky' every Thursday, 6-8pm, 97.2FM or radioreverb.com
...as its his birthay. Many happy returns you cretin! So I'll be masterminding a hip hop, funk, disco party.
Hip hop business from... Ty, Rodney P, Skeme, Vecks, Cool Kids
Funk and disco cuts from... Ripple, Firstr Choice, Ohio Players, Bamboos
And some Rufus Thomas, Ray Charles and Dan Penn
'the stickiest of icky' every Thursday, 6-8pm, 97.2FM or radioreverb.com
Latest podcast here: http://www.pfradio.com/2009/09/09/beltdriven-radio-show-27th-august-09/