• #1277
you don't say!...?!
• #1278
Comments are enabled again on his website - all the old ones have been deleted, so perhaps a need to add some more to replace them.....?
• #1279
I hope when he shakes the sauce bottle, too much plops onto his plate.
• #1280
I hope he never can find the complete set of those new coins needed to make the shield of arms..
• #1281
I hope he is missing a vital page of his ring-bound A-Z and realises he should really have bought the normally bound version.
• #1282
I hope he never can find the complete set of those new coins needed to make the shield of arms..
Too much.
You just don't know when to stop do you? You've crossed the line of basic human decency. I hope you're ashamed of yourself.
• #1283
was someone asking for this NSFW photo?
http://www.perou.co.uk/diary/?date=2006-01-03WARNING === PHOTO IS NSFW
• #1284
Might want to add NSFW to that.
• #1285
was someone asking for this photo?
http://www.perou.co.uk/diary/?date=2006-01-03^^OK, all we need now is someone with more PhotoShop skills than be to do the needful.
• #1286
i hope someone makes a James Martin ride/*cat based around causing him pain and misery...
A James Martin Restaurant Ride
Now that's a plan
We cycle to all his restaurants, mob up outside, air horn all his customers, piss all over his windows, then leave banana skins and snails on his doormat
- Pistanator
- Pistanator
• #1287
I hope he is standing in the kitchen chatting to a work colleague at lunchtime when the french onion soup package that the colleague is shaking, in preparation for putting in the microwave, splits and covers his hair, face, clothes and shoes in brown gunk
• #1288
I hope he leaves a plastic spatula on the edge of a frying pan and it gets those annoying lines melted into it.
• #1289
I hope he fails to source Jan Molby for his incomplete Panini '86 sticker album
• #1290
I hope he fails to sauce a panini and it is incomplete and shit as a consequence.
• #1291
was someone asking for this photo?
http://www.perou.co.uk/diary/?date=2006-01-03Please do edit this post. NSFW!
• #1293
He used to work here: http://www.hotelduvin.com/winchester which would be convenient for a stop if going for a ride past his house.
I don't know if he is associated with it anymore so it would just be a stop let me hasten to add.
He was the head chef when he was still less than a kiloton in weight and could fit into a conventional kitchen.
• #1294
Where does the cunt live?
• #1295
I hope he leads a long and happy life.
• #1296
I hope he leads a long and happy life.
.....and his cock grows to 16 inches.
• #1297
I hope he makes himself a cheese toastie and gets acute coeliac disease and lacto intolerance.
• #1298
^Many thanks JonoMarshall, I can now get on with my afternoon safe in the knowledge that some form of puerile justice has been done.
• #1299
I hope he leads a long and happy life.
And that he lives in Interesting Times?
• #1300
I hope he leads a long and happy life.
...but then burns in anguish in the pits of Hades for the rest of eternity.
BBC news reported on his 'apology' this morning