Here's the Peugeot I bought from BleakReference some months ago.
It's had very little spent on it - mainly parts that I already had bar the c/ring and sprocket and tyres.
The seatpost (24.0mm) proved impossible to find apart from the one on ebay that went for about £50! So... I made one out of an old handlebar and then put an old-style saddle clamp on top of it and it works pretty well.
Just waiting on a brake cable now and then I'm sorted. I think it looks quite tidy and it actually rides nicely, a lot more responsive than I thought!
Here's the Peugeot I bought from BleakReference some months ago.
It's had very little spent on it - mainly parts that I already had bar the c/ring and sprocket and tyres.
The seatpost (24.0mm) proved impossible to find apart from the one on ebay that went for about £50! So... I made one out of an old handlebar and then put an old-style saddle clamp on top of it and it works pretty well.
Just waiting on a brake cable now and then I'm sorted. I think it looks quite tidy and it actually rides nicely, a lot more responsive than I thought!
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