• 1.moog

    1. pickle
    2. clefty
    3. cliveo
    4. zed
    5. stix
    6. dammit
    7. crispin glover
    8. photoben
    9. williamshatnerpants
    10. nhatt- Pina colada cup cakes, Chocolate and peanut butter death tarts, oatmeal cookies, This cake is a pipe bomb and a decorated cake.
    11. villa-ru
    12. chug it
    13. sol
    14. huge16
    15. greasy slag (1 X Tart, 1 X cake, 1 X vegan, not nut, not fat, no gluten number - it's an oat cake ;)
    16. kattiep (flynnders is my apprentice but I'll check if he wants his own entry)
    17. snowy again
    18. Aroogah
    19. Oliver Schick (if I can make the TBC date, natch)
    20. Donut
    21. RPM
    22. mmcarthy
    23. LongAndWinding
    24. Lynx and maybe making a low carb high gluten madarin cake.
    25. goodhead - yorkshire curd tart.