This kind of article used to be ten-a-penny before the press generally swung around in favour of cycling around 2003-4. Even the Guardian occasionally published the odd trashy column going on about how the writer hated cyclists for no apparent reason, just an emotional outburst.
Their number has been much reduced, but they are still going to appear once in a while, and the best reaction is simply to ignore them. RPM has got that right.
Having read that, there's really no point in taking what he says seriously, are people really naive enough to believe what he wrote is true?! he probably never even saw that car, let alone drove it. It's just gutter press.
But, this thread, blimey! someone nobody has heard of with a tiny column in a bit of a shit paper that nobody reads (the "readers" just look at the pictures) has a little pop, and you veggie, lefty, social worker, middle class, fondue eating, dreadlocked, trustafarian, vegan, green voting, unicycle-riding, vegetable eating, pulse farming, broadsheet reading, toilet paper recycling meat shunners get all defensive!
Cyclists eh!
Stuff like this is published only to get an emotional reaction. Yes, he does implicitly advocate terrorising cyclists, so if you need to react, the best reaction is to complain consistently to the PCC, who do occasionally take action, as with Matthew Parris some time ago.
This will be all around cycling forums in record time and complaints will accumulate. But don't get too worked up about this. It's happened before, it'll happen again, it'll happen very rarely. Positive articles about cycling will still abound, such as this one today:
Don't know if anyone's posted this one before, but I can't be bothered to start a thread. I might look around if there is an existing cycle chic thread somewhere.
Cycling is winning, and don't the petrolheads know it.
This kind of article used to be ten-a-penny before the press generally swung around in favour of cycling around 2003-4. Even the Guardian occasionally published the odd trashy column going on about how the writer hated cyclists for no apparent reason, just an emotional outburst.
Their number has been much reduced, but they are still going to appear once in a while, and the best reaction is simply to ignore them. RPM has got that right.
Stuff like this is published only to get an emotional reaction. Yes, he does implicitly advocate terrorising cyclists, so if you need to react, the best reaction is to complain consistently to the PCC, who do occasionally take action, as with Matthew Parris some time ago.
This will be all around cycling forums in record time and complaints will accumulate. But don't get too worked up about this. It's happened before, it'll happen again, it'll happen very rarely. Positive articles about cycling will still abound, such as this one today:
Don't know if anyone's posted this one before, but I can't be bothered to start a thread. I might look around if there is an existing cycle chic thread somewhere.
Cycling is winning, and don't the petrolheads know it.