I've done a round of major upgrades to the rear end of the forum.
As usual it is customary to ask that if anyone spots something not working on the forum that was working yesterday... please let me know as soon as possible.
There's very few new features, this upgrade was all about bug fixes and optimisations. The few visible things that have changed are so subtle that frankly you shouldn't see any difference. But as code has changed, things might be broken and if so I want to know :)
I've done a round of major upgrades to the rear end of the forum.
As usual it is customary to ask that if anyone spots something not working on the forum that was working yesterday... please let me know as soon as possible.
There's very few new features, this upgrade was all about bug fixes and optimisations. The few visible things that have changed are so subtle that frankly you shouldn't see any difference. But as code has changed, things might be broken and if so I want to know :)