We don't have stereotypes about, say, Welsh people having a great interest in shoes or Scousers preferring playing with dolls to cars or trains because there's no evidence to support either assertion. We do on the other hand hold these as stereotypes about women, largely because the majority of them conform to these stereotypes.
the majority (even though this may not be true) conform to these stereotypes in our country/culture. It is pretty rash to say the majority of women like shoes and dolls in the whole world - it's pretty likely there are places where kids don't play with dolls, and that shoes aren't considered in regards to fashion - that is 1.5 billion people plus.
the majority (even though this may not be true) conform to these stereotypes in our country/culture. It is pretty rash to say the majority of women like shoes and dolls in the whole world - it's pretty likely there are places where kids don't play with dolls, and that shoes aren't considered in regards to fashion - that is 1.5 billion people plus.