VB - can I point out something that is quite trivial but at the same time, important. I think people might literally be seeing the forum in different ways. E.g, I dunno about you guys, but my homepage is not londonfgss.com, but http://www.londonfgss.com/search.php?do=getdaily, which is basically the 'POSTS' button on the top left, so I don't notice what sub-forum/group a particular thread has been posted in, because all recent threads with new posts in them come up indiscriminantly. I have a feeling most people, especially newer members, are going straight londonfgss.com, which is what we brand ourselves as to the public, then clicking 'General' or "Mics + Mean".
Maybe some people are seeing a thread in Misc and Mean and then assuming it's fair game to say whatever they want in it, derail it, post pictures of cakes and motivational posters - whatever, which is kind of fair enough in a way because that's how it is in most other forums out there - there is a specific place to post drivel if so desired, and it doesn't (or shouldn't) permeate the other parts of the forum.
I just noticed this thread is posted in "Forum Help and Testing Area". I didn't even know this subgroup existed, as i've always clicked on "POSTS". It has only 16 people viewing, compared to 125 for Bikes and Bits, and 79 for General. So, most people logging in to 'londonfgss.com' will just not see this thread. Don't we need a system where we all physically see the forum the same way, like the old vanilla-style forum? Maybe make the "POSTS" button more prominent or something, I dunno. I think it's harder to come to a consensus on things if we are seeing it in different ways.
wouldn't it make sense to have a misc forum and a separate meaningless forum?
the misc forum would essentially be the same as m+m now but the meaningless forum would just be for inane crap so that people can get it out of their system.
wouldn't it make sense to have a misc forum and a separate meaningless forum?
the misc forum would essentially be the same as m+m now but the meaningless forum would just be for inane crap so that people can get it out of their system.