• #2
Ive got a yellow one? Would that work, You could nitromors away the paint?...
• #3
nah thanks, im after black, last time i did that i ended up with a pink velocity wheel! but thanks all the same
• #4
I have a black areospoke wheel, the lock nut thread is damaged so can only be for freewheel, guessing that a) it's not a halo and b) it's not fixed that this was a watse of 30 seconds for the both of us but you never know.
• #5
you guessed right, thanks anyway though
• #6
Jabbathehut: I've PM'd you
im looking to buy a black rear halo aerotrack wheel, or if someone has a similar deep v black wheelset in good condition and wanted to trade i have an almost new front halo aerotrack in black and then i could chuck in £40-50 extra