I'm pretty sure reeen's lady lives far away, i bet shes doing the same, love & war & all that.
Thanks to the kind folk who bought me drinks, i came home with cans in my bag. Nice to meet Piotr & always great to see celebrity ex-engers WiganWill & Nhattattack.
In future i'm going back to drinking water me thinks, too hard to get out of bed this morning.
I'm pretty sure reeen's lady lives far away, i bet shes doing the same, love & war & all that.
Thanks to the kind folk who bought me drinks, i came home with cans in my bag. Nice to meet Piotr & always great to see celebrity ex-engers WiganWill & Nhattattack.
In future i'm going back to drinking water me thinks, too hard to get out of bed this morning.